I've been finding HV/CV turrets rather frustrating and usualy have them turned off as they are often firing at something I don't want them to or they are levelling an alien base (and the loot) whilst ignoring the turrets blowing the crap out of me.
I would like some kind of defend toggle option for turrets where they would only target the turrets of bases, only fire at predators/prey if they enter aggro mode and only fire at players/aliens if they fire first.
Some zoom ability on...
A few suggestions
I've been finding HV/CV turrets rather frustrating and usualy have them turned off as they are often firing at something I don't want them to or they are levelling an alien base (and the loot) whilst ignoring the turrets blowing the crap out of me.
I would like some kind of defend toggle option for turrets where they would only target the turrets of bases, only fire at predators/prey if they enter aggro mode and only fire at players/aliens if they fire first.
Some zoom ability on...
A few suggestions