Maybe you finaly FIX this sheet bug with bloking the thruster when try to turn big ships? Three patches away and this bug is still here. Servers, MP, factions - it is all nothing if the game broken.
EXPLAIN: Press button W (go forward) - thruster working - ship taking speed. If i try move my mouse to correct course - ship thruster go to IDLE and ship fly forward. EVERY action with controll directions as PITCH, ROLL, YAW - BLOKING THRUSTERS. The larger the ship the greater the bug effect.
EXPLAIN: Press button W (go forward) - thruster working - ship taking speed. If i try move my mouse to correct course - ship thruster go to IDLE and ship fly forward. EVERY action with controll directions as PITCH, ROLL, YAW - BLOKING THRUSTERS. The larger the ship the greater the bug effect.