Please help, land regen problem.
We have a server. Land keeps filling in underground bases... how do we stop it?
View ArticleCan we get all reload times cut down by like 80%?
The reload times in this game are pretty insanely frustrating and have been for a long time. Having to wait 20 seconds to reload a weapon that has a clip seems pretty silly. Now when all my weapon...
View ArticleSmall Vessel
Share your blueprints of your Small Vessel in this thread. By uploading your blueprint, you formally transfer the blueprint to Eleon Game Studios and grant us full permission to use the blueprint in...
View ArticleSteam store reviews...
Its a shame we can't like, push a movement to get everyone to 'down vote' all those stupid one-liner reviews of "its not no mans sky" or "better than no mans sky". Seriously don't know how that one...
View ArticleCombat Steel vs Hardened Steel
So I'm in this process of building a rather large military ground base. I've used cement for the floor and combat steel for the walls and roof. However I'm only halfway done with the outer silhouette...
View ArticleAlpha Experimental 3.4.0 (Build 592-602)
Build 602: Important: Landing Gear (T2) + Heavy Landing Gear (T1) -> have to be adapted in all prefabs because rotation has changed - Fixed: Strong Graphical Water Distortions when moving and...
View ArticleVexrays Planet Creation Mastersheet
Since planet creation seems to be a bigger topic now, I figured it was time to release the masterfile we use on my server for planet creation. Its not fully done, requires updates (3.0 content is not...
View ArticleBlock Name List
Hi , I have been looking for certain block names and have found no threads on this topic, so I am starting one. I have been experimenting with changing blocks with the console command "replaceblocks",...
View ArticleNeed to introduce capacitor and antenna/radar dish functionality
We've got the devices, now we need to add some functionality to them. This doesn't need to be super complicated. Capacitors store energy until it's needed. Give them a storage value, give each...
View Articlenormal thrusters vs. maneuvering thrusters?
What advantage is there in using maneuvering thrusters instead of just using normal thrusters pointing in all directions?
View ArticlePlanet Creation-Deco images
I took screenshots of all the deco items so we could pick them out by picture because many times the names don't tell us what they look like. I thought this might be useful to others who are making...
View ArticleDrone base attack.
I've been trying to modify the Drones that attack bases. (Type 1) I'm trying to get some variety in the drones, but it appears I can only get the first declared type to be the attackers in infinite...
View ArticleThe Ship Sharing Thread
We definitely need one of these, a place to just post screenshots of your awesome flying builds! Couple of requests for this thread: 1) Anything that can move counts as a ship, so GVs. SVs, and CVs. 2)...
View ArticleClever Building / Shield / PvP Balance
Problems: Gunstacking in PvP / Large CVs are useless / Repairing Solution: A game called "Starmade" offers a solution to all these things. First of Repairing is a pain in the ♥♥♥. especially when u...
View ArticleBug Reports: Alpha 3.4
AHEAD of reporting ANY bug, please read through these two pinned topics: 1. READ FIRST - CLEAN INSTALL+ possible fix for blueprints not loading 2. READ FIRST - Important for SERVER OWNERS, ADMINS and...
View ArticleHOW TO: Reset your POI's on a dedicated server.
This guide explains how to reset planet Points of Interest without deleting/wiping player bases and ships. Reason for this reset: Servers become boring and difficult to find resources like credit...
View ArticlePost-Apocalyptic Zombie Planet?
Yes, please. I would like to see a new planet added to the lineup that has large hoards of roaming "nightmares" or some other zombie-like creature. Imagine setting up a new base and placing your first...
View ArticleRemoving a Rock
How do I remove or destroy a large rock that is stopping me expanding my base? The T2 Drill will not touch it, neither will the filler/flatten tool. I am talking about a "large stand-alone rock"...
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